Tuesday, January 20, 2009


There hasn't been too much to report lately, which I suppose is a good thing. My pregnancy has been moving along smoothly, which is great. I continue to be moody and my pregnancy "symptoms" seems to be more emotional than they are physical. I am in my 11th week, so things should even out in the next couple of weeks as I enter the 2nd trimester, something I am really looking forward to.

Since it's still pretty early, I haven't noticed too many physical changes, though my pants are starting to get a bit tighter. I actually bought my first maternity clothes at the The Gap the other day. I bought a pair of jeans and a shirt. I'm sure I'll be getting a lot of wear out of those jeans, since it seems silly to buy too much stuff knowing I'll only be wearing them for a few months.

I am going to start a prenatal yoga class on Friday, which I am planning to do a couple times a week. I continue to do a lot of walking with Marley, so overall I'm staying in good shape.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update Nicole! Sounds like everything is going well (except for the tight pants part!!) And the yoga class sounds great, that should help you mentally & physically. We can't wait to see you and Joe in late Feb. Best wishes.
    Mark and Lance
