Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1 down, almost

This week is my 12th week - the final week of the 1st trimester, which is exciting. As I've said in other posts, I have been very happy that I have made it through without any nausea/morning sickness or any uncomfortable physical "symptoms." A lot of the fatigue I was feeling has subsided, though I am still sleeping about 10 hours a night. So far this has been a smooth, and thankfully uneventful pregnancy. The baby is about 2 inches long and anywhere from a 1/4 - 1/2 and ounce. The baby still fits in the pelvis, but in the next couple of weeks will grow quite a bit and by the end of February, I should be showing, which I am really excited about.

The way that the weeks are calculated is by the first day of the last period, which for me was November 1st, which makes keeping track really easy. So, basically each calendar month is one month of the pregnancy. November = month1, December = month 2, January = month 3, etc. Also, I basically count each Monday as the start of the new pregnancy week, even though it's technically a couple of days off, but it makes it easier. So, if you are keeping track along with us, this is an easy way. So, yesterday started week 12.

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