Friday, January 30, 2009


I'm still feeling good, and excited about starting the 2nd trimester. My pants are getting more snug, so that means its time to do some shopping for maternity clothes. Luckily, there are a lot of cute clothes out there. I still have a couple pairs of jeans that fit, but I don't think they are going to fit for too much longer. Marley and I are still walking a few miles each day. I haven't had a chance to go to that prenatal yoga class yet because it is only at 10:30am on weekdays, which is an odd time and I haven't been able to make it work yet. I think I'll have to find another place that has prenatal yoga classes and see if they have a better time.

Physically I am doing well. I am not as fatigued as I was, which is nice. I should have more energy as I get into the 2nd trimester. I am breaking out, which is a bummer, but that's just the way it is. I think the moodiness is easing up a little too, which is good (mostly for Joe) :).

After our appointment this week, Joe and I have gotten much more excited since the ultrasound and the pictures just made it all seem more real. Plus, knowing that the baby is developing properly and that tests and everything came back positive makes us feel more at ease about everything, so we can just be excited and not be worrying about anything.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


In February I am going to be starting a new prenatal program and changing my provider. I will still be using a nurse midwife and it will still be through UCSF, but I am joining a program called CenteringPregnancy. This is a great program that combines prenatal care with group education and support. The CenteringPregnancy groups usually have about 12 women who are all at about the same place in their pregnancy - within a few weeks of each other. The group I am joining starts on February 26, and I will be at 16 weeks. There are appointments each month and then in July, there are 3 appointments and then 2 in August. I will still finish out the program even after I have the baby, and I will bring the baby with me, as will the other women in the group. The two dates in August are both after my due date.

Each appointment is 2 hours. The 1st hour is the prenatal appointment and the 2nd hour is support/education. The program is run by a nurse midwife. As a group, we will talk about various issues that come up during pregnancy, and there will also be an education component. Some weeks there will be people who come in to talk about various issues such as lactation, parent education, etc. Like all prenatal appointments, spouses/partners are encouraged to come to all of the appointments, and Joe will be coming to most if not all of them.

It is a great program because I will get to meet other pregnant women, and as a couple, we will be able to meet other couples who are about to be parents. It is also a place to find support during this time and to hear other women's experiences which is always helpful. Plus it will be great to progress through the pregnancy together with other women, and we will all have our babies around the same time. The education component is obviously a positive because there are so many things to learn about pregnancy, birth, babies, and parenting. Joe and I will also be doing birthing classes and other prenatal classes that are available through UCSF. I will still be giving birth at UCSF, so this program doesn't change where I will have the baby. This does change some of the other prenatal appointments that I have made and I will no longer be seeing the nurse midwife who I saw at my first appointment and who I will see on February 9th - I am keeping my February 9th appointment since it is before the CenteringPregnancy programs begins.

The feedback that they have received about this program from other women has been really positive, so I am excited about joining it. The only downside is that it is in Daly City, which is south of San Francisco. They didn't have a program starting in the city until April and by then I would be too far along. It means about a 20 minute drive as opposed to 5 minutes, but its worth it. I'm really looking forward to it and think it will be a really positive and enriching experience.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Baby Pictures

Here's a good shot of the whole baby in my uterus. Pretty crazy.

This is a picture of the baby laying down with its hand out. The ultrasound technician marked it well.

This is a picture of the baby's face. The left side blob is the face - it kind of looks alien-like. The black round circles are its eyes. The black area on top of that is the brain/head area.

This is a picture of the baby on its side. The right side is its head and then to the left is its belly.

Genetic Screening

Check out our baby!! That's a great profile of the baby. Good lookin, huh? :-)

We had our genetic screening appointment today, where they did an ultrasound. We got about 8 pictures of the baby that I will post. A few weeks ago, prior to the appointment, I was sent a form to fill out as well as equipment to get a blood sample. I had to prick my finger and drop blood onto the form and send it in. That way, when we got to the appointment, they would be able to give us the results of the test.

First, we met with a women, the genetic counselor who went over various information about birth defects and statistics and what the odds might be for a woman my age to have a baby with Down's or some other problem, and some other general information about genetic testing and what our options are. We then went back into the waiting room to wait for the ultrasound technician. The woman who did the ultrasound was great. She was really friendly and lively and the equipment she was using was very impressive. It was much more advanced than the 1st ultrasound we got, which is not surprising since this is the genetic testing office, and they are looking for more specific things. It was pretty amazing to actually see the baby. It definitely made it seem real. At the 1st prenatal appointment where she did the ultrasound, the baby didn't even look like a baby and was too tiny too see anything other than the heartbeat. Today, as you can see, it looks like a baby. It's still too early to know the gender - that will probably be sometime in March when they can know for sure.

They are looking for something specific in this ultrasound and the baby needs to be in a specific position for them to get a clear picture of the spinal area that leads to the head. Needless to say, the baby was not cooperating and was moving all over the place. That was wild to actually see the baby moving inside my body, yet I couldn't feel anything. It was moving its arms and legs and changing positions. At one point it looked like it was standing up. If the baby is in the right position, then the ultrasound only takes about 10 minutes maybe. We were in there about 45 minutes. We did get some good pictures to take home, though. They did finally get the shot they needed. It was cool for me and Joe because we got so much time to see the baby and to see it in so many different positions that we got a really good view of its whole body pretty much. It's an active little one.

We then met with the genetic counselor again to go over all of the results. Thankfully, they were all really positive, and there was nothing there that they found of concern or that raised any red flags. Joe and I did not really want to do an amniocentesis, and based on the results from today, we have decided not to. Obviously nothing is 100%, but the odds are very low that our baby would have some kind of defect. The odds of having a miscarriage from an amnio is about 1/350, and the odds of us having a baby with Down's or another abnormality was like 1/ close to 9000, so that made the decision not to have an amnio pretty easy. Joe and I feel really good after today and are looking forward to the rest of the pregnancy.

1 down, almost

This week is my 12th week - the final week of the 1st trimester, which is exciting. As I've said in other posts, I have been very happy that I have made it through without any nausea/morning sickness or any uncomfortable physical "symptoms." A lot of the fatigue I was feeling has subsided, though I am still sleeping about 10 hours a night. So far this has been a smooth, and thankfully uneventful pregnancy. The baby is about 2 inches long and anywhere from a 1/4 - 1/2 and ounce. The baby still fits in the pelvis, but in the next couple of weeks will grow quite a bit and by the end of February, I should be showing, which I am really excited about.

The way that the weeks are calculated is by the first day of the last period, which for me was November 1st, which makes keeping track really easy. So, basically each calendar month is one month of the pregnancy. November = month1, December = month 2, January = month 3, etc. Also, I basically count each Monday as the start of the new pregnancy week, even though it's technically a couple of days off, but it makes it easier. So, if you are keeping track along with us, this is an easy way. So, yesterday started week 12.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


There hasn't been too much to report lately, which I suppose is a good thing. My pregnancy has been moving along smoothly, which is great. I continue to be moody and my pregnancy "symptoms" seems to be more emotional than they are physical. I am in my 11th week, so things should even out in the next couple of weeks as I enter the 2nd trimester, something I am really looking forward to.

Since it's still pretty early, I haven't noticed too many physical changes, though my pants are starting to get a bit tighter. I actually bought my first maternity clothes at the The Gap the other day. I bought a pair of jeans and a shirt. I'm sure I'll be getting a lot of wear out of those jeans, since it seems silly to buy too much stuff knowing I'll only be wearing them for a few months.

I am going to start a prenatal yoga class on Friday, which I am planning to do a couple times a week. I continue to do a lot of walking with Marley, so overall I'm staying in good shape.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

How I'm doing

I'm nearing the end of my 10th week and overall am feeling pretty good. Some of the fatigue I was experiencing has eased up a bit. The irritability has also eased up a little, but not as much as the fatigue, but at least there's progress. I have been feeling pretty bloated and gassy, which is common. The increase in hormones relaxes the intestines, which slows down digestion. I have been eating well and eating a good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables.

I am still having pretty crazy dreams. They are very vivid and some of them are pretty intense. The dreams I am having now seem more real than dreams I used to have, and the way that I act/react in the dreams is also different, which is interesting. I am still getting up a couple of times a night to pee, which is kind of annoying, but I guess when the baby's born, I'll be getting up more than that, so I guess I shouldn't complain. :-)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Genetic Screening

I made my appointment for genetic screening, which they do between 11-13 weeks. The appointment is scheduled for Tuesday January 27th, which will be the 12th week. Prior to the appointment, I was sent a packet to fill out and also give a blood sample. They sent lancets to prick my finger and I had to put 5 drops of blood in the designated area of the form. This way, when we go to the appointment, they will have some preliminary data to share, so we have an idea of what the situation is with the baby. Joe and I are in a good position since we are so different genetically, so do not have to worry about ethnic diseases like Tay-Sachs. Like anyone, there is also concern about Downs or some other abnormality, so that is what we will discuss at the appointment. Further tests will determine the need for an amnio -- how big of likelihood it could be that our baby would have Downs or another abnormality. They can give you some statistics as far as the chances, so before we make any decisions on that front, we'll see what the preliminary blood tests show.

At my first appointment, they did a blood test which included checking to see if I was a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis, which anyone could be. Both parents need to be carriers for the child to develop it. I never heard back after the appointment, which I assume means I am not a carrier. If I was, then Joe would have to get tested. Looks like he got out of getting a blood test. :)

Friday, January 9, 2009


For the past several weeks I have been having very vivid and odd dreams. I have read that this is pretty common among pregnant women. I have also been waking up at least twice a night to go to the bathroom, so maybe that is why I am remembering more of them. Many of these dreams include really random people and take place in bizarre and random locations. They are also different from dreams that I otherwise have and remember, which is interesting. I also don't tend to remember my dreams each night, but recently, I have been remembering at least one dream a night, which again might be because I am waking up at night more now than I used to. It's like each night is a new adventure.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How I'm doing

I'm still feeling pretty good overall. Some of the fatigue has eased up. Now that I am back to work and school and having to get up relatively early in the morning I am making sure to go to bed early so that I get at least 8 hours of sleep. I 'm not back to my 6am wake-ups, but at least I can get up around 7:30 without a struggle. Marley and I have started going on a good walk in the morning, which helps get my energy up and is of course good exercise for both of us. We go on another good walk in the late afternoon, so I'm logging 2-3 miles a day. Like most of the city, our new neighborhood is really hilly, so that maximizes the exercise we get.

I am still feeling really moody and irritable. I guess that's just how the surging hormones affect me most. I'll take it over nausea, which I still thankfully haven't experienced. I really haven't had many physical symptoms; it's mostly emotional. I am sure that will level out in the next few weeks as I begin my 2nd trimester, which will be early February. Joe continues to be incredibly supportive and understanding.

I got information about pregnancy groups, which I will call about this week. It will help to be and speak with other pregnant women so we can share our stories and experiences. UCSF has many different kinds of groups and classes that are available at different points during pregnancy. Joe and I will be participating in most of them. I'll write more about them as they happen.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Overall, I am feeling pretty good. I have been more tired than usual, so getting up is harder than it used to be. The one thing I am feeling is pretty moody. I tend to get irritable pretty quickly these days, but that is definitely not uncommon. With all of the hormones surging, its just part of the deal. Luckily, Joe is very understanding and supportive and has a great sense of humor about it all. I think some of the moodiness should even out in the next few weeks. :-)


Luckily, I haven't has any nausea or queasiness, so my eating hasn't been impacted at all. The one thing that has not sounded good is fish. I am not a big fish eater anyway, though I do love sushi, but that hasn't sounded good either, which is good because I am not allowed to eat it. Pregnant women are not supposed to eat anything raw or unpasteurized because of the potential to get sick from bacteria that might be in that food. Since pregnant women's immune systems are not as strong as when not pregnant, it is advised to stay away from certain foods. oh well, no more brie for me.

I did go through a couple of weeks of eating bagels and cream cheese, which I don't normally eat. That craving has gone away. I have been in the mood for pancakes recently, but haven't had any yet, though I did get frozen waffles at the market and those have been good. Otherwise, I have been eating what I normally do, and I tend to eat pretty healthy. In the mornings I make a smoothie with orange juice, cranberry juice, a mix of frozen berries, and some greek yogurt. For lunch I either have a turkey sandwich, a salad, or sometimes a burrito. I snack on apples, almonds, cookies, or crackers. For dinner, it varies, but is generally some kind of meat and a vegetable or starch. I am drinking more water than I normally do, which is a lot and have some tea at various times throughout the day.

I haven't necessarily been hungrier than normal, but when I get hungry, I feel really hungry. So far, I haven't really put on any weight, but that shouldn't really start until I get into the 2nd trimester.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Year of the Baby

Happy new year! Joe and I spent a quiet new years together in our new place - the first year we haven't gone out to a show. It was nice to be mellow and enjoy the last new years just the two of us. We are excited to know that next year we'll have a little Barefoot to ring in the new year with.

2009 is shaping up to be a much better year than 2008 and with Obama coming in and Bush going out, there is a lot to be hopeful about.

We hope that everyone had a great new year and wish you all a positive, happy, healthy 2009.