Friday, July 24, 2009

2 weeks to go

We are just two weeks away, which is kind of hard to believe. We did a tour of the hospital recently, so now we know where to go and what the room will be like. Luckily I am pre-registered so we just have to go up the labor & delivery, which is on the top floor of the hospital. The hospital in on top of a hill, so there are great views :-). The rooms are spacious and there is a pull out sofa, a TV, a mini fridge and a jacuzzi tub in the bathroom. We can also control the temperatutre and lighting in the room. I have started getting stuff together for when we are ready to go to the hospital. I got the baby's stuff ready and have a few different outfits and blankets for her. Today I got some water and juices, and snacks to bring to the hospital for us.

Our next prenatal appointment is Thursday the 30th. I have been feeling pretty good and have slept well the last couple of nights. I think the baby has dropped, which they say happens anywhere from 2-4 weeks before delivery. I have noticed in the past couple of days that I can breathe easier, especially when Marley and I are walking uphill. I have also noticed that my indigestion has eased up a bit. Both of those were discussed in my baby books as signs of when the baby drops.

Joe and I are getting very excited and its hard to believe that she is going to be here so soon. We are so excited to meet her and she what she looks like. I think she'll stick close to her due date.

She moves pretty regularly and I can tell that she's more cramped in there. I don't feel her kicking really as much now as I feel her whole body moving from side to side. It also feels sometimes like she is trying to stretch out, so you can see bulges on either side of my belly. It's really cool. I am trying to remember what it all feels like because she won't be inside me much longer.

This weekend we are goin g to install the car seat, so that we can have that ready. That's really the last thing we need to do, otherwise we have everything else ready for her.

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