Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bump Watch - Week 26

Here I am at the start of week 26. The bump is getting bigger. I am almost at the end of the 2nd trimester. The baby is pretty much developed at this point, so now she's just going to get bigger and bigger. Her brain and lungs will continue to mature over the next three months as well. It's hard to imagine how much bigger I'm going to get. Right now, the baby weighs about 2 pounds and is over a foot long from head to toe.

I feel her move daily now, which is really cool. She seems to have a few days where she's really active and then a few days where she's more mellow. Maybe she just tires herself out during the active days. It may also have to do with times where she's growing or something like that.

This is me and Joe up in the Headlands. We went up there with Marley and his parents when they were in town.

I have been sleeping better lately. I started sleeping with a pillow under my belly and that has been helping a lot actually. It has also decreased the number of times I have to get up to go to the bathroom, so I guess it takes some of the pressure off my bladder.

I haven't been having any weird cravings, but have been going through food phases. Right now I am really into peaches. I can't wait for all of the summer fruits. I have been eating a lot of strawberries too.

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