Thursday, May 28, 2009


I have not been posting much lately because I am finishing my dissertation and that is taking up pretty much all of my time.

I am feeling pretty good. Some of the tiredness from the first trimester is coming back. It may be partly due to how I'm sleeping and I'm probably not getting the best sleep right now because even though I am using pillows to prop my belly up, it's still not the most comfortable. Plus, I still get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom, so that's interrupting things.

I am definitely getting bigger and I'll post a bump watch picture soon since its been a few weeks. I do feel larger these days and getting around is not as easy as it used to be. Not only have I gained wait, but my lung capacity is diminished since my internal organs are all misplaced. Just going up a flight of stairs leaves me breathless and I've had to slow down my normal walking pace to, well...normal. :-)

I turn in my dissertation on June 8th and then have my defense on the 25th, and am really looking forward to being done so I can put all of my focus on the baby and getting everything ready for her arrival. We are going to look at baby furniture this weekend, which should be fun.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


We had our prenatal appointment yesterday and everything sounded good with the baby. It is always nice and reassuring to hear her heartbeat. We are halfway through week 28 and the baby should be somewhere between 2 - 2 1/2 pounds by now. Only about 12 more weeks to go.

I am still feeling pretty good. I am definitely getting bigger and have noticed that I get short of breath easier and walking up the hills is getting harder. I have had to slow down my walking pace, which used to be pretty fast. We'll take another bump watch picture this weekend so you can see how big I am.

I feel the baby kick daily now, which is really cool. There have been a couple of times where she's kicked and I push back on that part of my belly and she kicks again. She seems to be more active in the late morning/early afternoon and the evening. She seems to be sleeping during the middle of the day. There have been times where I have felt her moving around at night, but never enough to wake me up. It is definitely trippy that there is a baby growing inside of my body - Joe and I are getting excited to finally meet her. August is right around the corner.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Parenting Class

This past Saturday we went to a parenting class called "surviving the first two months." It went from 9:30-2:30 with 45 minutes for lunch. It was pretty comprehensive.

Outside of the room was a cart with a bunch of plastic babies, boys and girls (who were anatomically correct). Then there were plastic bath tubs with a bunch of stuff - diaper, cloth diaper, onesie, towel, receiving blanket, pajamas. There were long tables set up in the room so two couples could fit at each table with a bathtub and a baby. We learned how to diaper, bathe, and dress the baby. The class also covered the hospital stay and bringing the baby home, car seats, immunizations, how to calm a crying/fussy baby, and some other things about infant and baby development. It was a good class and it was nice to have the kind of hands on aspect of it.

We start our birthing classes in two weeks. We're getting excited!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I am into the 27th week, which is the start of the third trimester. We're 2/3 of the way there. I am sure the next three months are going to go by really fast. We are definitely getting excited.

I am feeling pretty good overall. Sleeping is ok. I am sleeping with a pillow under my belly and that has helped a lot with comfort and has also lessened the number of times I am getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I do get leg cramps by the time morning comes, and that sometimes wakes me up, which is kind of annoying. I am still having vivid and crazy dreams.

Now that I am getting bigger I am starting to feel it. I definitely feel heavier, but its just part of the package, so I am trying not to dwell on it. Plus, with only three months left, its not that much longer. It is quite an adjustment though.

Joe and I have a parenting class this Saturday, which should be interesting. Its called "surviving the first two months" and will cover what we should expect during that time and information about newborns and newborn care. Then we have our next prenatal appointment on the 20th.

I feel the baby kick and move daily now, which is really cool. She seems to have somewhat of a schedule going where she's more active in the mornings and the evenings. Sometimes I can feel her moving at night when I am in bed, but its not enough to keep me awake.

Things are moving right along. :-)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bump Watch - Week 26

Here I am at the start of week 26. The bump is getting bigger. I am almost at the end of the 2nd trimester. The baby is pretty much developed at this point, so now she's just going to get bigger and bigger. Her brain and lungs will continue to mature over the next three months as well. It's hard to imagine how much bigger I'm going to get. Right now, the baby weighs about 2 pounds and is over a foot long from head to toe.

I feel her move daily now, which is really cool. She seems to have a few days where she's really active and then a few days where she's more mellow. Maybe she just tires herself out during the active days. It may also have to do with times where she's growing or something like that.

This is me and Joe up in the Headlands. We went up there with Marley and his parents when they were in town.

I have been sleeping better lately. I started sleeping with a pillow under my belly and that has been helping a lot actually. It has also decreased the number of times I have to get up to go to the bathroom, so I guess it takes some of the pressure off my bladder.

I haven't been having any weird cravings, but have been going through food phases. Right now I am really into peaches. I can't wait for all of the summer fruits. I have been eating a lot of strawberries too.