Sunday, March 15, 2009


So, I think I felt her move yesterday. I was having these twinges on the right side of my belly and I'm pretty sure that was her kicking. During the ultrasound, we saw that she was in a breech position, with her head on the left side and her feet on the right. So, I think the twinges I was feeling on the right were her, which is exciting.

One other thing about the ultrasound that I didn't mention in my other post was that they were also able to see the blood flowing through the umbilical cord, which showed up as different colors showing the direction that the blood was flowing. It was pretty cool.

Looking at the new ultrasound pictures against the ones we had from January, you can really see how much she has developed and you can see how the shape of her head has changed. In one of the new pictures, her spine is clearly visible. All of her bones were clearly visible as they were doing the ultrasound. It is amazing how much detail you are able to see.

I'm starting to show a lot more and there's no doubt now that I am pregnant. I am still feeling good. Sleeping is a bit of an issue since I wake up like twice a night to go to the bathroom and I can only sleep on my side. I like to also sleep on my back and even my stomach sometimes, so having to only stay on my side is a little bit of an issue, but what can you do. Overall, everything is good. Joe and I are just very excited and are getting anxious to meet our daughter. We're sure the next four months will go by pretty quickly.

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