Friday, March 27, 2009


We had our monthly prenatal appointment yesterday at the CenteringPregnancy group. We got our results from the last ultrasound, which were really positive. At the ultrasound, the technicians are only allowed to tell you the sex of the baby, they cannot give you any other information since they are not doctors. So, just in case there is something wrong with the baby, they wouldn't really be able to address it with you. So, we had to wait for the prenatal appointment to confirm that she is growing normally and everything looks ok. At the ultrasound they took many different measurements to make sure she is proportional and is growing properly, which thankfully she is. Not that we're experts but just looking at the her during the ultrasound, she looked really good to us. Her limbs looked proportional and her head looked like it was shaped correctly.

In the results I am referred to as "elderly" since I am 35 years old, which is pretty funny. The results showed that the placenta and umbilical cord look normal are in their proper place. The quantity of amniotic fluid is normal. The ultrasound also changed my due date from August 8th to August 10th, which doesn't really mean all that much. She'll come sometime around there either way.

At this prenatal appointment we got to hear her heartbeat again, which is always cool. The heartbeat sounds good and she is a healthy little girl. The CenteringPregnancy group is really cool. Joe and I both like it. It is supportive and informational. Yesterday we talked about common discomforts. It is nice to hear other women talking about experiencing the same things. Sometimes you think, "am I the only one this is happening to?" I gained 7 pounds this month, which the nurse midwife said wasn't too bad. I am hoping to stay in the 25-30 lb weight gain range, which is the normal range.

Sleeping has been getting more difficult and I have been having leg cramps. Luckily, they are not too bad, but they are annoying. I am only supposed to be sleeping on my side, and I like to also sleep on my back and stomach, so having to just stay on my side has been a little challenging. I think I may have to buy one of those pregnancy body pillows. I have also been having the craziest dreams! None of them have been about the baby actually, just really bizarre and random dreams. A lot of them are adventure dreams where I'm in some crazy situation. I used to have a lot of anxiety dreams (which might be because I've been in school and stressed out for the last five years), but these dreams aren't really anxiety dreams, so its interesting to see how my subconscious is changing.

Overall, I am still feeling good. I have been feeling the baby more and it still feels like a little fluttering. At the ultrasound she was laying sideways with her head on my left side and her feet on my right. Most of what I feel is on my right side where I think her feet are. By the end of April I should be feeling her more regularly and Joe should be able to feel her by touching my stomach. I've already bought her a couple of cute things. We haven't even thought about cribs, strollers, car seats yet. I think we'll tackle that in June.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Baby Pictures

This is a great shot of her just laying there. You can clearly see her spine. Isn't that wild?! You can also see the features on her face - her nose and her mouth.

This is an amazing picture of her with her mouth open. She might be yawning or she might be trying to say something - she is our daughter after all :-). During the ultrasound, she opened her mouth a few different times. It was just so cool to see her in action. You can also see the bones in her mouth. And her big round belly is so cute.

This is the "talk to the hand" picture. You can clearly see the bones in her hand and arm.

Here's the proof that she's a girl. This is the crotch shot looking straight up, her left leg is on top and her right leg is on bottom. The little blob to the left is likely her head.

This was probably the last ultrasound we are going to have, so we won't get to see anymore of her until she's born. Joe and I are already so excited to meet her. Luckily, times goes fast and we definitely don't want her to come too early, so I guess we'll just have to be patient.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bump Watch

This is week 19 and as you can see I am getting bigger, and I'm just about at the midway point of my pregnancy.


So, I think I felt her move yesterday. I was having these twinges on the right side of my belly and I'm pretty sure that was her kicking. During the ultrasound, we saw that she was in a breech position, with her head on the left side and her feet on the right. So, I think the twinges I was feeling on the right were her, which is exciting.

One other thing about the ultrasound that I didn't mention in my other post was that they were also able to see the blood flowing through the umbilical cord, which showed up as different colors showing the direction that the blood was flowing. It was pretty cool.

Looking at the new ultrasound pictures against the ones we had from January, you can really see how much she has developed and you can see how the shape of her head has changed. In one of the new pictures, her spine is clearly visible. All of her bones were clearly visible as they were doing the ultrasound. It is amazing how much detail you are able to see.

I'm starting to show a lot more and there's no doubt now that I am pregnant. I am still feeling good. Sleeping is a bit of an issue since I wake up like twice a night to go to the bathroom and I can only sleep on my side. I like to also sleep on my back and even my stomach sometimes, so having to only stay on my side is a little bit of an issue, but what can you do. Overall, everything is good. Joe and I are just very excited and are getting anxious to meet our daughter. We're sure the next four months will go by pretty quickly.

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's a........


We had our ultrasound appointment today and it was confirmed that we are having a girl. We are so happy and excited that we are having a daughter. I had thought from the beginning that it was a girl, so it is validating to know that my intuition was right. We got some good shots of our little girl, which I will scan and post early next week. During the ultrasound, we saw her move around quite a bit and she yawned and kicked and moved her hands around. We also got to see her heart beating, which was really cool - the four chambers were clearly visible. In the two ultrasounds we've had, she has been really active. I'm still not able to feel her move yet, but should in the next couple of weeks, but at least I know she's moving a lot.

This is the beginning of week 19, so we are almost at the halfway points, which is hard to believe.

Stay tuned for pictures.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bump Watch

It's week 18?! Can you believe it? It's crazy to think that I am already in my 5th month. Time is moving right along.

I haven't posted in a little while because there hasn't been anything new to report. Overall, I have been feeling pretty good. I am starting to show more, and this weekend realized that I need more clothes. I thought I had bought enough, but I could use some more.

On Friday we find out the gender, which we are really excited about and looking forward to. Hopefully we'll get some more good pictures of the baby to post. I think once we find out the gender it will help us to really connect and bond with the baby and allow us to think about it in real instead of abstract terms. Stay tuned for Friday.