Friday, February 13, 2009

Prenatal Appointment

I had another prenatal appointment today. This was the last one before I start the CenteringPregnancy program on the 26th. Today the nurse midwife listened to the baby's heartbeat. She was able to hear it, but I couldn't because there was also the sound of my heart and other random sounds and even though she pointed out the sound, it was hard for me to make it out. Then, the baby moved, so she lost the heartbeat. We did hear the baby kick a few times, which was cool. I told her how the baby was moving all over the place during our genetic screening ultrasound and she said that's a good sign and a sign that this is a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Based on all of my bloodwork and the genetics testing, she said everything looks great, so I'm very happy about that. I have been feeling really good, so I'm excited. There is one more set of blood tests that I will take that checks for any other random genetic problems. That will be done sometime next week. I can just drop into the lab and get my blood drawn.

I made my appointment for the big ultrasound when (hopefully) we'll find out the gender. It is scheduled for March 13th and 2:15 pm. The one thing that would prevent us from finding out would be the position of the baby. The baby obviously needs to be in a position where the radiologist can see between its legs. Considering how active this baby seems to be we'll keep our fingers crossed that he/she will cooperate for that ultrasound. I am SO anxious to know what it is.

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