Tuesday, June 1, 2010

9 months and going strong

Its hard to believe that Athena is already over 9 months old. The time is going so fast. On her 9 month birthday (May 21), she got herself into a sitting position from being on her stomach, and she pulled herself up to standing in her crib. She is crawling much faster, but she still crawls "military style" where she uses her forearm to pull her body along the floor on her stomach. She practices getting up on her hands and knees and she'll rock back and forth, but then always goes back down on her stomach to crawl. I think she just needs a little more time to build up the strength. She likes to pull herself to standing. She is really wobbly, so she kind of looks drunk. :) We think she's going to move through the crawling stage quickly because she seems more interested in standing and walking than crawling.

She is very vocal and definitely communicates what she wants. I think we understand her pretty well. She is making the sounds of mama and dada, but we're not totally sure if she's applying them to us or if she's just babbling.

She is just the cutest, sweetest baby. We are having so much fun with her.