Well, even though we are almost half way into January, I am going to try to post more often this year so that I can keep everyone updated about Athena and our family. It's amazing how fast she is growing and changing, especially the last two months. She is only 4 1/2 months old, but has flown to North Carolina and LA. Some of her other big milestones are:
November 21st - her 3 month birthday and first plane ride. We went to North Carolina for Thanksgiving
November 25th - she laughed for the first time. I was giving her kisses and she started laughing, which was the cutest thing ever!
She got to meet the rest of her family while we were in NC for Thanksgiving. Here is Athena with her first cousins Sawyer, Cassie, and Jaden.
December 12th - Athena and I flew to LA. So, that was a milestone for me because I traveled with her by myself. Thankfully, Athena did great on both trips and slept both ways to/from LA. She has slept through all of the take off and landings, which is good because we didn't have to worry about her ears. This was also Athena's first Hannukah, and she got lots of presents from Grandma.
December 14th - Athena rolled over for the first time. That was great! She has been turning on her side for a while and then she just made it all the way over. It was really exciting.
Since the trips, we have stayed close to home, but Athena is growing everyday. She is very active and physical. When she is awake, she wants to be moving. She likes to spend time on hr play mat with her toys, and she loves to roll over onto her stomach. She doesn't roll back onto her back and we think its because she doesn't want to. Once she rolls onto her stomach, she wants to move forward. She will flail her arms and legs and in the last few days has started pushing up. We think she's going to be an early crawler.
We are having such a great time with Athena. She is a happy baby and is very alert, interested, inquisitive, and whenever we go out, she just takes it all in.
I have every intention of posting regularly, especially now that its easier for me to find a few minutes to get online.