Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mark your calendars

The baby is due August 8, 2009. As of right now I am about 8 1/2 weeks along and the baby is about an inch in length.

Overall I have been feeling pretty good. I have been very tired and it's been hard to get up in the morning. By the afternoon I feel pretty wiped out. Luckily, I haven't had any nausea, which I am thankful for. I do feel hungrier and thirstier, though, and have been eating more and drinking even more water than I already did.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

First Prenatal Appointment

We had out first prenatal appointment on Monday. All of my care is through UCSF Obstetrics and Perinatology. The practice is called The Faculty Obstetrics and Gynecology Group (FOGG), which is an integrated physician/midwife practice. I have chosen to use a nurse midwife because of their holistic view of pregnancy and birth as a natural process as opposed to a medical condition. I intend to do natural childbrith without any interventions (ie, epidural, c-section, etc). Joe and I really liked the nurse midwife who will be my care provider. Her name is Judith Bishop and she has over 20 years of experience,

The first appointment went very well and we were there for a long time while she took both of our family histories as well as doing a physical exam and urine and blood collection. She did an ultrasound and we were able to see the tiny thing that is our baby and its tiny heartbeat, which was very cool. It actually made it all seem real. We didn't get any kind of picture or printout because since its so tiny there wasn't much to see.

I go back for my next appointment in 6 weeks, on February 9, and then 6 weeks after that on March 23rd. At the March appointment we should be able to find out the gender.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We're having a baby

We started this blog for all of our friends and family to follow the progress of my pregnancy as we await the birth of our first child.

Joe and I found out on Saturday December 6th that we are going to have a baby. I am about 5 weeks along and the baby is due August 8th. We are very excited as you can imagine.

So far I feel fine, and I haven't had any nausea (hopefully it stays that way). My first prenatal appointment is December 29th.

I'll be posting regularly, so make sure to keep checking back.

Thank you all for the good wishes and congratulations.

Love, Nicole and Joe